Best Friends Foreverrrr -Spongebob!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Nice :)
Dear Santa,
I have been very nice this year. I have been kind of mean to my brother, and he does deserve more presents than me but, I have been good. I just want clothes and shoes this year. I also want a crayon maker :). It's called, Crayola Crayon Maker, there is a picture above! I want this really bad! I saw a commercial and it just touched me how much fun the children were having making crayons and I have never made crayons before so I was just really excited. Oh! I also want shoes!!

Friday, December 10, 2010
I would much rather be scanned than patted down. Both are very inappropriate but if I had to choose one I would have to pick scanned. I do not want someone feeling up on me to make sure I don't have a bomb! The media said that the scanner isn't even fully working so I don't see why they are still using it. My family and I were planning a flying trip to Jamaica but now my parents have decided that they don't want to have to go through that and absolutely do not want me and my brother to have to go through it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Every Thanksgiving my family and I put up our Christmas tree and decorations around the house. We pretty much just get ready for Christmas! Then we go to my dads parents house. My grandpa and dad fry a turkey. Then the next day we meet our Aunt, Uncle, and cousins at my moms house and have supper there. Then we go home stuffed! Every Thanksgiving day my family and I decorate our house for Christmas. We always wake up, get ready, go to my grandparents, eat Thanksgiving dinner, come home and decorate. It's our tradition! Ten things that I am thankful for are 1. The freedom to serve, learn, and worship my Lord, 2. My family, 3. The shelter my parents provide me, 4. Food, 5. My friends, 6. The ability to get an education, 7. Music, 8. The luxuries that I have, 9. Thanksgiving and Christmas break, 10. Electronics!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Smoking Is A Horrible Habit!!
I honestly don't think it would change the mind of older people. Old people already have their mind made up on life and how they're going to live theirs. Take my grandpa for instance my cousins and I tell him all the time that every time he smokes its one day less with us. He says "Well I'm gona die anyway!" No matter what we say it doesn't change his mind. We know he's listening but he doesn't say much when we try to show him the facts of smoking. He also goes to the doctor about seven times a year for breathing problems. With this said I also think it might change the mind of a couple of younger people. They would really realize their life is being cut shorter and shorter every time they smoke. Some younger people still won't care. They think its cool, fun, not hurting anything but when they see a picture of what happens every time they go to get a cigarette they might start thinking twice before they light it.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Healthy or Yummy??
I do not agree! I know that not every mother or father is responsible enough to take good care of their kids nutrition but I still think its up to the parents to make the decision for their children. I think kids meals should include toys but I do think they should add more nutritious things. However I DO not think they should ban soft drinks and fries. Some McDonalds let you substitute the fries and soda for apples and milk. I think every McDonalds should have that offer I also think they should add healthier options too. I think that when the person is taking your order they should ask you which food or drink you want, to influence the nutritional side of your meal. The guidelines are that McDonalds has to make only so many calories in each kids meal. They have banned toys because they think it influences kids to eat unhealthy fast food.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
MY perfect meal would absolutely have to be cheese enchiladas! My mother, Aunt, Grandmother and cousin Ashley would make them. They would make rice, beans, and a salad too. My dad, Grandpa, cousin's husband Landon, and Uncle would be outside talking. Tate, my brother, and Candace, my cousin would be running like wild all around my grandparents house and yard. Me and my cousin Sadie would be taking care of Harper who was born last September. My mother and Aunt would attempt to make sopaillas. My grandmother and Ashely would be looking at more baby pictures and comparing Ashley and Harper's facial reactions. When everything was finally ready to eat it would take us five to ten minutes as usual to get all the guys inside and at the table ready to eat. We would go through our traditional chaos trying to pass the food around to everyone and making sure everyone had a little of everything to eat. Sadie and I would bring up tattoos and piercings to my grandpa so we could have a good laugh and about how my grandma skipped school one year. My mom and Aunt would get mad at their parents for giving us ideas that we've already heard before. I would eat about eight enchiladas as always and everyone would call me a pig as always. This pretty much happens every time we have a family meal at my grandparents. I always have a good time and love being with my family! I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Fake Cell Phone!!
I'm not sure what I think about this. I don't think it's an ear ache but I really don't think its a cell phone. I don't believe in time travel! My theory is that someone just went back and redid that specific part of the movie to cause commotion.
Friday, October 22, 2010
I found a Zebroid on the internet and it look very interesting. I have always said that if I could be an animal I would either be a horse or a zebra. I didn't know that there was such a thing as a horse/zebra though, it's called a Zebroid. I don't entirely know where they came up with the name but I like it! :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Sudden Fart!!!
One day in fourth grade I was sitting in Mrs. Skorpea's class. We had been getting in trouble for talking all week. When Mrs. Skorpea finally got us to be quite Clayton, who sat right beside me, farted a really, really loud fart!!! I mean you couldn't even call this a poot it was a flat out fart! We started laughing so hard tears were rolling from our eyes. Clayton laughed so hard he fell out of his seat. Mrs. Skorpea did all she could to try not to smile, but was still very upset with how loud we were.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hhhmmmm....I'm Stuck!!
If I were stuck underground, like the men in Chile, I would really like my pillow. I'm sure that the ground isn't all that great to sleep on. I would also like to have my iPod I can't keep calm unless I have music. Another thing I would like to have is my cell phone (with service, other wise it would be unless, and an undie-able batter). I would want to be able to talk and text my friends and family, especially in a life or death situation. The thing that I would want the most would have to be homemade cheese enchiladas. In case I did die then I would want that to be my last meal. If I were trapped underground like the men in Chile I would be very scared and upset. I would probably cry a lot.
Friday, October 1, 2010
We were flying to Hawaii for the summer when all of a sudden we hear a loud bang. I hear a scream from behind me, a baby crying out, and an old man hyperventilating. One of the three flight attendants comes out from behind the curtain and says, so calmly you think your dreaming, "Please fasten your seat belts we're having technical difficulties." Then vanishes behind the red curtain. The pilot came over the intercom, "We, we, we will, well I'm going to be blunt with you people, we Will be crash landing today, sorry!" All of a sudden all three flight attendants came running out and rushing to get in a seat and strap on a seat belt. We start going, what feels like, 500 miles per hour down, but we were still horizontal. I heard a loud scream "Harry No!" I looked back and the old, fat guy that was hyperventilating earlier was pasted out in his chair, leaning toward the floor. I turned back around and told my family that I loved them. Hoping, praying that wasn't going to be the last thing I said, or the last time I said that phrase. As we get closer and closer to the ground I think back to all the things I should have changed in my life. All the things I could have done differently. I thought about all the things I wanted to do before I died that I wasn't going to get to do. Then all of a sudden in just a split second, I see the hat of a guy fly off of an older mans head outside my window. I looked around and we were flying across the top of a pond and had barely missed that guy. I look back to make sure every ones alright and see the old, hyperventilating guy waking up from being unconscious, and started looking around with a horrid look on his face. When I turned back i saw that we were still sliding across the still water. Then practically jumped onto the shore, safe and sound. We all swarmed like bee's to honey out the airplane door. Most people laid down, kissed the ground, and were thanking God for sparing their life's. I've had never seen anyone love the earth as much as I did at that moment. I just kind of stumbled down onto a rock and just sat there thinking about what had just happened. I didn't think it was all real so to see if I was dreaming or not I jumped into the pond. When I started not "waking up" when I couldn't hold my breath anymore I knew I wasn't dreaming and that I had just survived a near death situation. I too was thinking God for sparing my life.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Back to the 80's!!
The 80's would have to be the era that I would go back to! Because I absolutely love the way people dressed and how laid back they were back then!! I love their style because it was always bright, bright colors and huge, puffy hair! My mom said that she had the most fun in the 80's because of her hair! Back then you could dress any way you wanted to and it would more than likely be accepted because everyone was so crazy!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Perfect Day (Week)!!
Last summer my family and I went on a cruise to Cozumel and Progresso Mexico! It was the best vacation ever! The ship was amazing, it had hundreds of cabins on it and three swimming pools, two hot tubs, a track, tennis courts, two basketball courts, and much, much more! Every night we dressed up and ate in the dinning room, we had our very own waiter and table every night, it was like a five star restaurant but you didn't have to pay and your waiter was your waiter only. At lunch we usually ate from the all day buffet and I never had time for breakfast, I usually was to busy watching us dock or staring at the curve of the world. Some nights I would walk out on the Lee Deck and this Jamaican ban would be playing and two nights they played the Cha Cha Slide, which of course I danced to! The prettiest ocean water in the world has to be at Cozumel! Cozumel's water is so blue you can see all the way to the ocean floor a long way from the shore. That day (week) has to be the closest to perfect you can get!
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