Best Friends Foreverrrr -Spongebob!

Friday, October 29, 2010
Fake Cell Phone!!
I'm not sure what I think about this. I don't think it's an ear ache but I really don't think its a cell phone. I don't believe in time travel! My theory is that someone just went back and redid that specific part of the movie to cause commotion.
Friday, October 22, 2010
I found a Zebroid on the internet and it look very interesting. I have always said that if I could be an animal I would either be a horse or a zebra. I didn't know that there was such a thing as a horse/zebra though, it's called a Zebroid. I don't entirely know where they came up with the name but I like it! :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Sudden Fart!!!
One day in fourth grade I was sitting in Mrs. Skorpea's class. We had been getting in trouble for talking all week. When Mrs. Skorpea finally got us to be quite Clayton, who sat right beside me, farted a really, really loud fart!!! I mean you couldn't even call this a poot it was a flat out fart! We started laughing so hard tears were rolling from our eyes. Clayton laughed so hard he fell out of his seat. Mrs. Skorpea did all she could to try not to smile, but was still very upset with how loud we were.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hhhmmmm....I'm Stuck!!
If I were stuck underground, like the men in Chile, I would really like my pillow. I'm sure that the ground isn't all that great to sleep on. I would also like to have my iPod I can't keep calm unless I have music. Another thing I would like to have is my cell phone (with service, other wise it would be unless, and an undie-able batter). I would want to be able to talk and text my friends and family, especially in a life or death situation. The thing that I would want the most would have to be homemade cheese enchiladas. In case I did die then I would want that to be my last meal. If I were trapped underground like the men in Chile I would be very scared and upset. I would probably cry a lot.
Friday, October 1, 2010
We were flying to Hawaii for the summer when all of a sudden we hear a loud bang. I hear a scream from behind me, a baby crying out, and an old man hyperventilating. One of the three flight attendants comes out from behind the curtain and says, so calmly you think your dreaming, "Please fasten your seat belts we're having technical difficulties." Then vanishes behind the red curtain. The pilot came over the intercom, "We, we, we will, well I'm going to be blunt with you people, we Will be crash landing today, sorry!" All of a sudden all three flight attendants came running out and rushing to get in a seat and strap on a seat belt. We start going, what feels like, 500 miles per hour down, but we were still horizontal. I heard a loud scream "Harry No!" I looked back and the old, fat guy that was hyperventilating earlier was pasted out in his chair, leaning toward the floor. I turned back around and told my family that I loved them. Hoping, praying that wasn't going to be the last thing I said, or the last time I said that phrase. As we get closer and closer to the ground I think back to all the things I should have changed in my life. All the things I could have done differently. I thought about all the things I wanted to do before I died that I wasn't going to get to do. Then all of a sudden in just a split second, I see the hat of a guy fly off of an older mans head outside my window. I looked around and we were flying across the top of a pond and had barely missed that guy. I look back to make sure every ones alright and see the old, hyperventilating guy waking up from being unconscious, and started looking around with a horrid look on his face. When I turned back i saw that we were still sliding across the still water. Then practically jumped onto the shore, safe and sound. We all swarmed like bee's to honey out the airplane door. Most people laid down, kissed the ground, and were thanking God for sparing their life's. I've had never seen anyone love the earth as much as I did at that moment. I just kind of stumbled down onto a rock and just sat there thinking about what had just happened. I didn't think it was all real so to see if I was dreaming or not I jumped into the pond. When I started not "waking up" when I couldn't hold my breath anymore I knew I wasn't dreaming and that I had just survived a near death situation. I too was thinking God for sparing my life.
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