Best Friends Foreverrrr -Spongebob!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Naughty or Nice?
Dear Santa,
I haven't been as nice as I should have been. I haven't been horrible but I haven't been nice either. However I have been good enough to get presents. Such as the iPhone4. I would also like to have another North Face jacket and maybe some Toms!

Monday, December 12, 2011
Secret Recipes!
Let's get cooking Italian! My favorite TV show is "Giada At Home!" Giada is an Italian woman who cooks amazing food! My mother and I love to watch this show, when we have time. We usually record several Food Network shows and catch up on our favorite on Sundays or late Friday and Saturday nights. We have different favorite of who just cooks at home and different cooking competitions. My mothers favorite is "Barefoot Contessa" she usually cooks sweets more than regular food. Our favorite competition to watch is "The Next Iron Chef!" We love that show. My mom has time to watch it on the nights that it comes on but I am usually at work. She records them for me and for her to go back and watch over again. She enjoys rubbing it in my face that she knows who is gone from the competition and who is still cooking!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
My Eye!!
My most painful moment would be when we were on vacation and while we were tubing on the lake I got popped in the eye with my brothers foot. We were tubing and I told my mom to go super fast and to go over as many waves as possible because that always makes it interesting and exciting. We were going faster than ever and hit this gigantic wave that threw us in the air higher than I've ever been while tubing. When we landed I flipped over and all that was on the tube was my arms and my hands holding the handles. Next thing I knew I was being knocked off of the tube and when I looked up my brother Tate was flying towards me. He could see that we was coming to me and I could see his eyes and knew that look. I felt like someone on Looney Toons. When the heel of Tates foot hit my eye I thought my eye had fallen out. I could feel it with my hand but it hurt so bad I thought I would never see again. I've never had a bloody nose, until that day, and I have never had a broken bone. So that was the first serious pain I've ever experienced. I ended the day with a bloody nose and a seriously bad headache.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
When I crawled onto the shore I was picked up by two strangers, one with a towel for me. I look up to thank the strangers and see at the very least fifty camera crews and interviewers, plus the crowd of vacationers running toward us. Then all I hear are questions and I try to answer the best I can. "Why were yall so far out there? That was incredible!" I said "We were practicing for a swimming competition later in the summer." "What happened out there, and what was going through your mind as those magnificent creature came by you?" I could only reply, "The whales just jumped up by us. It was crazy! We're just swimming at a slow relaxed pace and then all of a sudden a whale is in the air above us!" I look around trying to find Natalie and Jordan but I can't see them anywhere. " Were you worried that you would be swallowed? Tell me who was with you out there?" "My two friends Natalie and Jordan were with me, and no I knew they wouldn't eat us. We're not fish!?"
Friday, November 4, 2011
Innocent I Tell You!
One day Taylor was walking through the park, when suddenly a random dog running through the park bites off a woman's arm. When the police, ambulance, and animal control show up and they read the dog tag aloud for the crowd and news reporters to hear, they call out Taylor's name. The dog's dog tag had Taylor's full name, address, phone number, etc! She didn't have a dog and had never seen this dog before in her life. I knew she didn't have a dog and even if she did she wouldn't have sicked her dog on that poor old lady. Someone had set her up! I was the only one who believed her when she told her story of jogging for a little extra exercise, when she witnessed the whole thing, not set it all up. While she was in jail, the night before her trial, I sneak into her cell with my invisible, magical powers. I wrap my invisibility shield around her and we escape to Iceland. We go to Iceland because we want to live somewhere hot, and on an island. We changed our identities and I got a spray tan so we looked a little bit more like sisters. We made up a story about our life before Iceland and everyone believed us. All because I have invisibility powers Taylor was free from her misery and we started over and began a new life.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Facts Learnt:)
The presentation given on Wednesday taught me that a needle can get a ton of bacteria on it and cause an infection when injected into your skin. I also learned about how you will look if you do certain drugs or use steroids.
I ompletely disagree with how they have punished Lindsey Lohan, or should I even call it a punishment. Lohan should be treated just like everyone else would be. Just because she can play a pitiful and helpless act doesn't mean she is innocent. If anyone "regular" person, regular being not rich but hard working, would have committed this crime they would be behind bars not scrubbing toilets. My only description of her "punishment" is "Wow, how much was that judge paid?"
Saturday, October 22, 2011
One Halloween I sat on our porch in a dead guy outfit. Every time a kid walked up they were scared that I was going to jump up and get them. Half of the small children clung to their mothers legs. Most of the younger kids would cry so I gave them extra candy and one of my cookies. I felt really bad when the little boy I babysit during the summer came up and started crying and cried even harder when I took the mask off.
I know several ghost stories but one that has been recently told to me has actually happened to my oldest cousin. She is married and has a baby now but this story is from when she lived in an apartment alone. She would always wake up in the middle of the night to the smell of cigarette smoke right above her head in her bed. She had a yoga ball in her room and one night she woke up to her dog barking and growling viciously at a blank space in her room. The hair on her dogs back was standing straight up and then the yoga ball rolled quickly across the room. She always felt like there was something there watching her. She said that one night she woke up to a heavy feeling on her chest and what felt like breathing on her face.
What's a Mummies favorite type of music? WRAP!!
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? He didn't have any guts!
Where do ghosts go on Saturday nights? Anywhere where he can boo-gie!
I know several ghost stories but one that has been recently told to me has actually happened to my oldest cousin. She is married and has a baby now but this story is from when she lived in an apartment alone. She would always wake up in the middle of the night to the smell of cigarette smoke right above her head in her bed. She had a yoga ball in her room and one night she woke up to her dog barking and growling viciously at a blank space in her room. The hair on her dogs back was standing straight up and then the yoga ball rolled quickly across the room. She always felt like there was something there watching her. She said that one night she woke up to a heavy feeling on her chest and what felt like breathing on her face.
What's a Mummies favorite type of music? WRAP!!
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? He didn't have any guts!
Where do ghosts go on Saturday nights? Anywhere where he can boo-gie!
Friday, October 14, 2011
My Legacy!
I want to be remembered as the best chef in America! I enjoy cooking so much. It's an escape from the world and all my stress. I want to learn and teach about cooking as much as I possibly can before I die. I haven't decided if I want to be a chef as my career but it is something that I love.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Old Milk!
The worst thing I have ever tasted would be rotten milk. I used to drink milk like it was going out of style. Several years ago I was spending one hot summer day at my grandparents and they don't drink milk much so they didn't know the milk was as old as the stone age. I got a tall glass of milk and thought "Exactly what I need to quench my thirst!" As soon as I took a drink of that awful milk I slapped the cup onto the table and ran to the sink. While spitting violently into the sink, and throwing water into my mouth to get as much of that disgusting milk out of my mouth as I could, I did everything I could to not throw up right there into the sink. I haven't yet and will never drink milk again in my life. That one cup of milk ruined me.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My Music!
I listen to mostly country music. Brad Paisley is my favorite artist and singer, he is my favorite singer because I enjoy the types of songs he sings and his voice. My favorite song at the moment is Remind Me by Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood. My least favorite song writer is going to be any kind of rap singer, and I dislike almost all rap songs. My parents listen to Christian music and I do approve. I'm not one of those teens who plugs in headphone to their iPod on long road trips. I enjoy listening to the same music as my parents but it's not my absolute favorite. My mom hates country music with every bone in her body. It doesn't matter who the singer is or what the song is about she can't stand listening to music. But she loves Keith Urban's voice which is kinda contradicting her original opinion but that's the way she is. My dad on the other hand loves country music just like me.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Moral or Immoral? What are you??
I for one have morals already, at age fifteen, ant I think that's because of the type of family and rules I have grown up by. Morals are always different for each and every person, however the morals are becoming more broad now days. Like take clothing for instance, I would never wear any type of bottoms that just barely cover my rear end but for some women it's normal and morally correct. To answer your question, yes it has become more tolerant, even though I disagree with it and I'm sure many people do, it has. Society has lost sight of what's right from what's wrong and it will take a heck of a revival to change the society from wrong back to right, in my opinion. Everyone chooses who they become in life whether they base their life on their everyday role models growing up or not. In the present and more than likely the future morals will be lowered and lower morals will become and are becoming normal and tolerant. In some families it's normal to go to the store with your mother hardly dressed and your father looking like a hobo. That will never be the case in my family whether I am the child or the mother.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Favorite Past Time(s)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
School Year 2011!
Running the mile and two mile at district this year in track would absolutely be the hardest event I have encountered this year. The easiest thing I have encountered would be hanging out with my friends at the Friday night football home games. There are quiet a few funny things that have happened this year but I narrowed it down to three funny moments one, when Mikala was trying to do the Jerk in the locker room and fell, two, when Brad tripped me in the school yard an no one even saw me other than him, three, when I tripped over my backpack trying to act all cool today in Geometry. I do not think I will have to take the semester exams this semester because I have been here enough days and have good enough grades.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
1. The qualities I find in a hero are courage, strength, good willed, caring, responsible, respectable, and forceful.
2. Good and successful leaders should be strong, a good listener, smart, and responsible.
3. My mom is my hero, she has been for as long as I can remember. I tell my mom everything. She always gives me good advice, sometimes I don't want to hear it but it always comes out good in the end. We have our downs but our ups definitely overrule the downs.
4. A good leader in my life is my preacher. When you look at my preacher you see many great qualities such as, he is a very strong spiritual man. He has great advice as well.
5. When I think of a famous hero I think of SUPERMAN! Superman is a brave and kind-hearted hero. (Even though he came from another planet and is an alien all he wants is peace.)
6. One of many famous leaders was President Lincoln. President Lincoln was know for being very honest. Lincoln also stood up for what he believed was right, he went against slavery. Lincoln was a very strong and smart leader and president.
2. Good and successful leaders should be strong, a good listener, smart, and responsible.
3. My mom is my hero, she has been for as long as I can remember. I tell my mom everything. She always gives me good advice, sometimes I don't want to hear it but it always comes out good in the end. We have our downs but our ups definitely overrule the downs.
4. A good leader in my life is my preacher. When you look at my preacher you see many great qualities such as, he is a very strong spiritual man. He has great advice as well.
5. When I think of a famous hero I think of SUPERMAN! Superman is a brave and kind-hearted hero. (Even though he came from another planet and is an alien all he wants is peace.)
6. One of many famous leaders was President Lincoln. President Lincoln was know for being very honest. Lincoln also stood up for what he believed was right, he went against slavery. Lincoln was a very strong and smart leader and president.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My biggest intangible fear is darkness. I'm scared of the dark because you don't know whats going on around you or what could happen next. I've had this fear for as long as I can remember, most people think that being scared of the dark is the dumbest fear ever but if you really think about it, you have no idea whats happening around you, unless you can hear it. My tangible fear would be heights. Being really high in the air makes my stomach go crazy and makes me feel sick. The way I deal with my fear of darkness is if I'm in the dark I don't move at all. The way I deal with heights is I don't do anything that has to do with being high in the air.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Weird Names
1. What does the Q in Q-tip stand for?-- Q in Q-Tip stands for Quality.
2. What is your first and middle name? What do they mean? Do you know the reason your parents chose that name?--My first and middle names are Samantha Dawn--Samantha is a feminine form of Samuel using the suffix antha meaning (in Greek) "flower." Dawn is of Old English and it means "the first appearance of light, daybreak." My parents chose my name (Samantha) because my mom had a doll she called Samantha all of her childhood years. Dawn came from my father, just a more feminine form.
3. Just like the Q-Tip, think of three items that have a strange name. Why do you think they are strange for this particular item? --Hamburger because there's no ham. Balogne, Pair of Underwair
2. What is your first and middle name? What do they mean? Do you know the reason your parents chose that name?--My first and middle names are Samantha Dawn--Samantha is a feminine form of Samuel using the suffix antha meaning (in Greek) "flower." Dawn is of Old English and it means "the first appearance of light, daybreak." My parents chose my name (Samantha) because my mom had a doll she called Samantha all of her childhood years. Dawn came from my father, just a more feminine form.
3. Just like the Q-Tip, think of three items that have a strange name. Why do you think they are strange for this particular item? --Hamburger because there's no ham. Balogne, Pair of Underwair
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Super Woman!!
Two super powers I would chose are Mind Reading and Invisibility. I am always wanting to know what people are thinking, that is one reason I would like to have the power of Mind Reading. There are many times when I don't want someone to know I'm in their presence, that's why I would love the power of Invisibility. If I had to choose between Mind Reading and Invisibility I would choose Mind Reading. I've wanted to read minds since I was a very little girl.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Kid's Rule!
If children ruled the world there would more than likely be no school. At some times life would be a little scary and on the edge. Parents and adults would of course do all the work. Supper would be filled with sugary candy and washed down with a million sodas. All the kids would just sleep, eat, play, and invent new risky objects. I can see my brother and all his friends building a human catapult or something very dangerous.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
My Room
My room get really, really messy, really quick. I have a loft bed, with a desk and closet under the bed part. My desk is full of junk. The walls in my room are tan and my ceiling is dark blue. My tv is on a holder on my wall across from my bed. My tv is very small though. That's the most important part of my room! Other than this description my room is pretty boring.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Ladybugs are awesome! As a kid, every time I found a ladybug I would catch it and keep it in a jar for a couple days and just watch it. I love how there are different colors of ladybugs. There are red, yellow, orange, gray, black, and even pink ladybugs!! If I could be any insect at all I would really like to be a pink ladybug. Another neat fact is ladybugs spots are sometimes counted and examined to see what kind of ladybug it is. The spots however, do not tell you how old the ladybug might be. Some ladybugs don't even have spots at all. Ladybugs are considered a beneficial insect because Ladybugs feed on aphids. Aphids feed on plants.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Stingrays = Bad Idea!!
STINGRAYS!! Why swim with one of the most poisonous sea creatures on earth? Steve Irwin, "The Crocodile Hunter" decided to take "hunting" to the next level. That next level cost Steve his exciting life. Some say his life was well lived but I think he screwed up. My advice for Steve would be, Stick to what your good at, don't go for the extreme. When your life is as good as his was you should just keep living life, Take one step at a time. Then you'll get to your extreme event.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Only One Month?
Yes I believe in February being a month to celebrate African American history. African Americans have overcome the biggest problem than any person, event, etc. in America history. They overcame slavery, voting rights, abuse, assassination, discrimination, and much more. What have we overcome? We have merely fought for most items we have, but that is war, not like what the African Americans had to do. We have, compared to the African Americans, have had everything handed to us. African Americans are the most hard working people I can think of, especially "back in the day". I think that one month, the shortest month of the year, isn't enough. I think the African Americans deserved much, much more. But not so much that they get a bug head or anything. They do need to be more recognized, respected, and their history needs to be shown off more as a victory than it is receiving.
Friday, January 28, 2011
iKill :)
The coolest app I have seen would have to be Arcade Hoop Basketball Lite. I don't have anything that I could have apps on but I play on a lot of my friends iTouch's. One of the weirdest apps that I have seen is Pimple Pop. If you play this app all you do is pop zits. It shows a picture of a big (virtual) zit and you bring your fingers together and "pop" the zit. If I were to come up with an app I would make one where you could either be a cop or gangster. After you pick what you want to be you either if you were the cop kill all the gangsters. However if you were the gangster you would kill your enemy gangsters. My app would definitely Not be too graphic. When you killed the gangsters their blood wouldn't go flying everywhere like in movies.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Do iPods and iPads help in school? Yes, in elementary, in grades 6-12 the kids would be so distracted it wouldn't work for more than a week. The elementary kids, however, don't know how to use technology like Jr High and High school kids. The older kids know how to get all the apps, play games, etc. The elementary kids more than likely wouldn't even want to mess things up and get them taken away. I can see iPads helping more than iPods too. With iPad's you have more room to work and you can see way better. You can also pull up several windows and work on more than just one thing at a time. I disagree with adding iPods and iPads to grades 6-12 but with elementary it could work! I also disagree with having them work on the iPad for too long. My eye sight has gotten a lot worse since our school started using laptops. They should use the iPads every other day or for only a short amount of time each day.
Friday, January 14, 2011
↓ Mexico Under Drugs ↓
Mexico's President, Felipe Calderon, has a few problems on his hands. Calderon meets with Mexico's army and navy everyday. They are working together planing a seven month old presidency: a military assault against the drug cartels. Their plans are to wage street-by-street battles with the drug cartels. Calderon's main plan is to stop all the killing by the time he is done being president. Although Felipe's hopes are to stop the killing there have been 28,000 people killed since he became president. The drug cartels have committed over 3,000 execution-style killings in the past year and a half. Unfortunately, for us, the cartels ammunition comes from the United States. Their guns, for the past two years, have come mainly from Texas, Arizona, and California. The main deals are made near highways that cross the border and go deep into Mexico. Another problem for the Untied States involvement with the Mexican drug cartels is most of the drugs are coming our way! In 2008 the cartels sent at least 90% drugs to the US, now the percentage must be higher.The main cartels are the Gulf Cartel, the Juarez Cartel, and the Los Negros Cartel. The biggest cartel is called La Familia. La Familia announced a one month truce by letters, media, announcing it in the streets, and publicity. The gang claims it will halt all crime activity for the month of January. Their truce pretty much states that they want the people in Mexico to realize they aren't the only, or biggest trouble in their country. However the other cartels are still active with their crimes. Currently Mexico is having many problemos with drug cartels, obviously. The cartels are, without details, rebelling against their government, killing anyone that gets in their way, trafficking drugs, and kidnapping kids. In my opinion I don't think Felipe knows how to take care of his country. He should have taken care of this before it got out of hand. I would make sure my family was safe before I even thought about myself. I would definitely be paranoid of every little thing and every person I came in contact with. I would make sure I was updated everyday of things that might happen. I would be SUPER cautious!!
Money, Money, Money!
Our President is paid $400,000 annual salary. Cliff Lee is paid a salary of $11 million. Why do sports players get paid more than the leader of our country?? Is it because we want more entertainment than leadership? If we lost our leader to sports we would be in a ton of trouble. Sports idols should not be paid more than the leader of our country. The President also gets $50,000 annual expense account, $100,000 non-taxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment. Cliff Lee just starts every season with $11 million, he started his contract with $120 million and gets an increase on his salary every new year. Cliff Lee still makes several million dollars more than our President. Our country is big on entertainment. We get it in our mind that we can lead ourselves and do O.K. We need to realize it takes more than just self-confidence! I believe our President deserves more!
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